School Districts

Behavior Intervention Services

Verdugo Hills Autism Project is a State-Certified Non-Public Agency, allowing us to provide services to public school districts. Services funded by school districts are always provided pursuant to an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). As one of the leading non-public agencies (NPA), VHAP currently works with numerous school districts to provide behavior intervention services.

Our goal at VHAP is to meet each individual student’s specific needs in collaboration with the IEP team to support a positive school experience.

Our team is skilled in assessing students’ needs and in identifying maladaptive behaviors that hinder their ability to function optimally in their school environment. Through a functional behavioral assessment, the purpose or functions driving a person’s behaviors are identified and used to guide the development of a comprehensive positive behavior support plan that emphasizes decreasing challenging behaviors as well as teaching replacement behaviors. VHAP staff are certified to use de-escalation strategies and safe techniques to respond to unsafe behaviors and crisis situations using Nonviolent Crisis Interventions.

Program interventions consist of evidence-based, positive behavior support strategies that target decreasing behavioral barriers and increasing student’s skills related to self-monitoring, coping, and communication. These interventions are individualized based on each student’s support needs to increase their access to their educational curriculum. Below are examples of some of the skills that we teach:

  • Adaptive Skills
  • Attention to Task
  • Communication
  • Compliance
  • Coping & Self-Regulation
  • Play Skills

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